Alfred De Gesne Two Hunting Dogs oil painting buy European Art Online Fine Art Dealer

Jean Victor Albert de GESNE


He was born at Paris and studied at the Fine Art School there. He regularly showed his work at the Paris Salon and also at the Salon of French Artists between 1872 and 1889.

He specialised in painting animals (especially dogs) and hunting scenes, these usually involved a pack of hounds or group- with careful attention being paid to interplay between each component part of the overall subject.

Although oils were his usual medium he was also an accomplished watercolour painter and his work has been used in numerous etchings, prints and reproductions.

De Gesne was following on from a rich line of European Sporting artists starting with artists such as  Paolo Ucello in the 15th century and Peter Breughel the Elder in the 16th. The type of sporting composition that was usual by the time of de Gesne was largely bought about by Flemish artists travelling round Europe bringing their traditions with them.

His style was quite close to the “Barbizon” ideal with a close attention to nature and an eye for small details especially in his hunting scenes such as “Cerf aux abois, La Chasse a courre and Chiens de Chasse”

Bibliogr. G.Schurr in: “The Petit Maitres de la peinture 1820-1920”

E.Benezit- Dictionary of Artists

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